

 Fuh-Sheng Shieu  President

電話 04-2284-0201

Mail presid AT nchu.edu.tw

 Chun-Liang Lin  Vice President

電話 04-2284-0537

Mail chunlin AT nchu.edu.tw

 Shi-On Chen  Superintendent(Taichung Veterans General Hospital)



Mail vice AT nchu.edu.tw


 Mu-Kuan Chen  Superintendent(Changhua Christian Hospital)



Mail vice AT nchu.edu.tw

 Henry Horng-Shing Lu  Professor(National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University)

電話 03-573-1870

Mail henryhslu AT nycu.edu.tw

 Karl Ho  Associate Professor of Instructiion(University of Texas at Dallas)

Mail kyho AT utdallas.edu

 Chien-Liang Lee  Director(Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica)

電話 02-2652-5400

Mail chenny AT sinica.edu.tw